Covid-19 Daily Survey
Barnes, Ryan
Abraham, Debra
Ampezzan, Caitlin
Atkinson, Shane
Atlas, Brett
Bailey, Latasha
Baker, Kristin
Barnes, Ryan
Baxter, Ellen
Bentley, Rochelle
Bloomberg, Neil
Bradford, Aundre
Burnet, Tony
Butler, Carey
Campbell, Heidi
Carson, Ashley
Ceresnie, Justin
Clarke, Gregory
Cline, Angela
Colwell, Cassandra
Covos, Curtis
Coxford, Nicole
Daniell, James
Daniels, Rose
Davis, Jerry
DeLong, Karen
Dobson, Joann
Dueweke, Sheryl
Edelen, Aaron
Fain, Christy
Feldman, Ronald
Fodera, Lauren
Franey, Brian
Fruitman, Michael
Gagliardi, Dawn
Garrett, Taylor
Genovese, Catherine
Gerber, David
Giorno, Doreen
Goldberg, Kenneth
Goldstein, Allissa
Goodman, Gloria
Gould, Randy
Griffin, Christina
Guccione, Christiana
Gurthet, Mathew
Haratsaris, Nickolas
Harrison, Anthony
Harrison, Gina
Holley, Christopher
Howard, Allison
Hoy, Sharon
Hutchings, Nelson
Jorgensen, Keo
Kehoe, Sarah
Kehoe*, Sarah
King, Tim
Kociuba, Shari
Kress, Jeffrey
Latimer, Bart
Lightle, Jim
Long, Michael
Lonsert, John
Lowe, Lakisha
Lowe, Rania
Lubin, David
Macosko, George
Majewski, Ronni
Manager, Test
Marshall, Matthew
Martin, Lakisha
McDonnell, Matt
Miller, Chris
Miller, Devra
O'Brien, Carol L
Ott, Deborah
Postula, Darin
Przybylowicz, Sarah
Randazzo, David
Reese, Leonard
Reese II, Leonard
Richart, Lynn
Riggins, Mackenzie
Saracino, Anthony
Schaffer, Joyce
Schembri, Monia
Schmidt, Owen
Schmude, William
Seidel, Eric
Senak, Beth
Sentowski, Michael
Sheehan, Harry
Shkrelja, Chris
Silkowski, Katherine
Smith, John
Soderberg, Doug
Sova, Brian
Stein, Daniel
Tafireyi, Brian
Taylor, Micah
Thomas, Marktice
Thomas, Twana
Thomason, Shyron
Van Hees, Jared
Vezina, Renae
Vogel, Cynthia
Walschlager, Kristen
Weir, Kenneth
Wiemer, Tracey
Williams, Damon
Yarnevich, Alexandra
Zabramski, Susan
Name is required.
You must enter a PIN.
Do you have symptoms that include but not limited to the following: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, diarrhea?
Have you been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID19 within the last 14 days
Have you traveled internationally with in the last 14 days?
How do you respond to these 3 questions?
No to all questions
Yes to any one (or more) questions
Yes or No Response is required.